How can I join ARTEF?
We welcome interest of new members who strongly believe in doing the work to actively create a strictly anti-racist, more gender equal, diverse, and inclusive European Film Industry. We are committed to a culture that is accountable with intersectionality at the basis of the work we do.
ARTEF members are institutions, companies, organisations, initiatives and collectives active in the European film industry and beyond. While ARTEF's primary focus is to achieve positive change in the structure of the European film industry, members from outside of Europe that interact with the European film sector are welcome to join as members.
ARTEF's primary target group are leaders and decision-makers of bodies within the European film ecosystem, who have the openness and power to tackle structural racism in their organisations. Every film body in the European Film Industry and those from outside of Europe interacting with the European film community who want to be part of the change they want to see is welcome to join ARTEF to participate and support its work.
Being an ARTEF member first and foremost requires committing to an actively anti-racist practice in your organisation. We can be at different stages of our anti-racist learnings, but what unites us is our openness and willingness to learn and take action. By becoming an ARTEF member you agree to our value statement and commit to being held accountable for integrating these values into your workplace and decision-making processes.
Before becoming an ARTEF member you will need to attend training sessions and commit to anti-racist practice in your own organisation. This could take the form of a policy specifically outlining anti-racism and anti-racist practice in your organisation or a tangible and articulated commitment as an individual. An ARTEF membership does not make you anti-racist; it allows you be engaged in a taskforce that dismantles racism, and access to support to enable formative action.
As an ARTEF member, you will:
Be embedded in a network of people working against racism and white supremacist structures in the European film industry.
Be connected to other organisations and companies in Europe that are on the journey to practice anti-racism and you will get a chance to learn from and connect with them.
Commit to amplifying the voices of ethnically diverse people and embedding racial equity in your organisation’s everyday practice.
Be able to share YOUR knowledge and best practice with us and with other members.
Be able to participate in regular networking and knowledge exchange meetings on a regular basis online, and onsite during film festivals.
Amplify any of your activities, campaigns, events and best practices against structural racism and discrimination in our network and beyond.
Have the chance to receive tailor-made anti-racism training with one of the leading organisations in Europe. This training is designed specifically for anti-racist work in cultural and film organisations and for ARTEF members. Costs for training are not included in the membership fee.
Get the chance to participate in our ARTEF Summit (planned for 2022/2023), which will unite organisations in Europe and the world that fight against racism.
Be invited to attend the ARTEF Annual General Meeting, and can nominate and vote for Steering Committee members, and play an active part in shaping the work of ARTEF.
Membership Fees:
We acknowledge that the financial situation in different parts of Europe/the world and different kinds of organisations are wildly different, thus we are proposing a tier-based membership fee structure. We need membership fees to develop and sustain the organisation and ensure we have flexible financing available. We are committed to transparency and will inform members and the public on an annual basis on how membership fees and other financial resources have been utilised.
European institutions/organisations: 1000 Euro / year
Regional institutions/organisations: 500 Euro / year
National institutions/organisations: 250 Euro / year
Collectives, initiatives, community organisations: 100 Euro / year
*If your institution cannot afford the membership specified for its category, please get in touch with us for a discounted rate.
Large (turnover +5 M Euro/year): 2000 Euro/year
Medium (turnover 1M-5M Euro/year): 1000 Euro/year
Small (turnover 250k-1M. Euro/year): 500 Euro/year
Micro (turnover up to 250k Euro/year): 100 Euro/year
Friends of ARTEF
Individuals can become Friends of ARTEF to stay connected to the work of the taskforce, and be informed about actions and activities on a regular basis. Friends of ARTEF will be listed on the ARTEF website.
Friends of ARTEF for Individuals 50 Euro / year